The Winter Days Are Over

The Winter Days Are Over  

Ankita Majumder (Sem I, 2023)

Photo courtesy:

It is safe to say that our mother nature is strange and us human beings are even stranger. Why you may ask?

Till a few days ago also the winter air was thickly coated with fog and the cold winds were blowing at an unusually high speed. There weren’t any sound of people on the streets after a certain amount of time. The shops wouldn’t be opened up until it was 11:30 a.m. or so. Although people would be out for work, the vehicles would be running, going to places but still there would be a thick layer of silence and a feeling of strangeness would linger around. The sense of lonesomeness felt very strong. It was as if during this winter season, the whole city has been wrapped around in a sheet of black and white colours.

But on 31st January, 2024, it was different.

Different in a sense that it could be seen the that winter days are about to end soon. There was a different kind of smell in the air, not the cold, foggy kind but a somewhat warm kind of smell. It was around 10:30 a.m. when I was going to the bus stand in a vehicle with my father. Until now during the mentioned time very few shops would have been opened for the day and even fewer people would be out.

But it was different that day. Unlike the other days, the  chirping of birds could be heard. For the first time in a while the area wasn’t fill with loud silence but was echoing with voices of people talking, their laughter. The dogs could be heard barking and seen running around.

Although the day was still foggy but there was something in the surrounding that made me feel like the winter days are soon coming to an end. I don’t know what made me think like that but something was different about that day.

Maybe it was because many shops were opened that day. Or may be because the sounds of human beings was clashing with the surrounding silence. Or may be because the sudden burst of life and colour was merging with the black and white background to create a beautiful scenery.

I truly don’t know what it was but something was different in the air that made me feel and I am sure that it might have been noticed by others as well that soon the mother nature is going to give back the liveliness of earth In the form of summer.

It was as if she was giving us all a sign that soon the new ray of hope will be brought to the human civilization with the new year.

And that soon the winter days will be over.

 Creative punch


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