Certificate and Award Ceremony of the Photostory competition and VAC (11.10.2023)

Certificate and Award Ceremony of the Photostory competition and VAC (11.10.2023)

Department of Anthropology along with Political Science and IQAC of the college organised a Value Added Course on Indian Constitution and Human Rights in 2022-2023. The certificate of successful completion was handed over to the participants on 11.10.202.

The programme was inaugurated with a song by the Sneha Utthasini, first semester 2023 of the department. 

IQAC co-ordinator, Dr. Mala Neogy said wonderful inspiring words

Followed by a short but inspiring speech by Officer-in-Charge, Dr. Tista Dasgupta

Followed by photostory award giving and VAC certificate giving ceremony. 

The Photostory competition was held in September 2022


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